At Kids and Canines we transform lives…. All through the love of a dog.
The youth we serve at Kids and Canines have often experienced loss and hardships that would be difficult for many children and adults to comprehend, and as such, they suffer from social and emotional challenges.
Staff and volunteers work with the kids in roles as teacher, mentor and friend. Together we give a child a chance to prove they can overcome their disability or environment to accomplish great things.
Your donation gives a child that chance for a better life.
The magic of our program is simple.
We take one dog and one at-risk child and bring them together with a purpose.
We teach at-risk teens how to train dogs, and they in turn gain important life skills such as responsibility, teamwork and other job skills that will help them in life.
Our reading programs for disadvantaged elementary children encourage the joy of reading and improve their reading comprehension.
Children find acceptance and build confidence and self-esteem
While the dog is being trained they are heroes to their student trainers, giving them what they need – the best therapy ever – the unconditional love of a dog.
While the teens learn important life and work skills in our programs they find acceptance, build confidences and self-esteem. Through the process of training a dog they learn empathy, dedication, social skills and the discover the satisfaction of success that comes from hard work. These traits make their futures brighter.
Success is measured by the impact a dog makes on the lives it touches, from the youth who train to those we visit during training to the client who receives the dog.
Annually, around 350 children will benefit from the companionship of just one of our dogs.
Our Program Dogs
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